28 March 2013

4 Weeks

Here's our little nug #2 at 4 weeks. She wouldn't stop crying long enough to get a picture, but it's actually pretty fitting for this stage of her life because this is usually what she does when she's put down.

She now weighs 8 lbs 1.5 oz (17th percentile), is 21.25"  long (55th percentile) and her head measures 37 cm (63rd percentile). It's amazing how different in size she is compared to Eva!

Some things about our Nora at one month:
-She grunts and fusses a lot when she's trying to fall asleep
-She loves to be held and worn in the sling or wrap. She's not so much interested in being put in her swing.
-She has had a few nights of good sleep (5-6 hour stretches), but lately has been up again every 2 hours. Not good for Mom!
-She already loves her passy.
-She is a somewhat gassy baby which has led to some extremely fussy periods during the day (and night...).

We love our little Nora girl and she's been such a wonderful additional to our family. 

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